Current PhD students:

  1. Ariska Rini (panel member, 2024—). Currently in Part A Coursework.

  2. Maholopa (Maho) Laveil (panel chair and primary supervisor, 2024—). Currently in Part A Coursework.

  3. Dyah (Prita) Pritadrajati (panel chair and primary supervisor, 2021–). On the job market late 2025.

  4. Eko Sumando (panel member, 2021–).

  5. Jose Cobian (panel member, 2020–). On the job market shortly if now now.

    • Jose is in the final stages of his PhD, having undertaken and executed complex field projects in Indonesia and Peru. Please see the linked ANU profile above for further details and links to some of the papers.

    • LinkedIn profile here. Google Scholar profile.

Current teaching S1 2025 (course convenor)

  1. IDEC8011 Research Essay, S1 2020– [Course page]. This is the premiere research-based course in applied economics at the ANU, where students write their own research paper as their approach the end of their masters’ degrees.

  2. IDEC8033 Research Project, S1 2020– [Course page]. This is a two-semester version of IDEC8011, where students write a longer, more rigorous and detailed paper more like a dissertation in the second year of their masters’ degrees.

Past ANU graduate research students

  1. Nadine Marijke Oen (MRE 2024)

  2. Mefilina Tohi (MRE 2024)

  3. Alyssa Leng (RP 2024)

  4. Thomas Wangi (Economics PhD)

  5. Debasish Das (Economics PhD)

  6. Riswandi (Economics PhD)

  7. Phan Le (Economics PhD)

  8. Hiroshi Maeda (RP 2022)

  9. Bobby Kunda (QPIE 2021)

  10. Ardhian Satya (MRE 2021)

  11. Suhainti (MRE 2021)

  12. Jollanda Mathew (Greg Taylor Scholar 2020)

  13. Tunye Qiu (MRE 2020)

  14. April Zhou (Crawford Internship Program 2019—20)

  15. Kelly Samof (QPIE and Greg Taylor Scholar 2019)

  16. Shuhao Yang (MRE 2019)

  17. Anita Faiziah (MRE 2019)

Selected past teaching

Crawford School, ANU, 2019— (as course convenor or guest lecturer)

  • Empirical Development Policy for the Pacific, 2022– [Course page] (micro-crededential course, half the length of a normal course, on applied micro topics in the Pacific)

  • Economic Development in the Pacific, 2019— [Course page] [slides] (executive education course. these slides are an outdated but basic introduction to Pacific economies and what economists do these days)

  • IDEC9024 Economics Seminars, 2020—21 (required PhD Part A course)

  • Economics PhD Seminars, 2019—21 [guidelines] (Nb. guidelines have been updated. Current convenor is Toan Nguyen.)

  • ANU-UPNG Economics and Public Policy Summer School, 2020 [slides] (guest lecturer, these are some really basic intro to causal inference slides which may be helpful for beginners)

Department of Economics, Dartmouth College, 2017—19 (as convenor, small p professor)

  • EC10 Introduction to Statistical Methods. Spring 2019 [Syllabus]

  • EC24 Development Economics. Fall 2017. Winter 2018. Fall 2018 [Syllabus]

Crawford School, ANU, 2014—15 (as a sessional lecturer and tutor during my PhD)

  • IDEC8026 Quantitative Policy Impact Evaluation. 2015

  • CRWF8000 Government, Markets, and Global Change. 2014—15

  • IDEC8001 Cost-Benefit Analysis. 2014—15

  • POGO8096 Research Methods. 2015

  • EMDV8012 Ecological Economics and Policy. 2015

  • IDEC8030 Issues in Applied Macroeconomics. 2014

  • POGO8090 Making and Evaluating Policy. 2014